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Wednesday, October 16, 2024


China’s cultural metamorphosis and historical transformation

The legendary Chenghua 'Chicken cups' are more than just artefacts; they are windows into a once tangible world. Only four remain, ensconced within the halls of museums like the...

China’s cultural metamorphosis and historical transformation

The legendary Chenghua 'Chicken cups' are more than just artefacts; they are windows into...

Roadtrains and dumbwaiters, through Western Australia

A dumbwaiter, traditionally a small freight elevator, also stretches a monumental 1,622KM from Perth...

A Rickshaw Ride Through Old Delhi

Vihaan gets up early, though perhaps "up" is the wrong word; it implies a distinction between a place of rest and the city beyond. For Vihaan, there is no such distinction. He sleeps alongside four others in a room that opens directly onto the streets of Old Delhi. As...

China’s cultural metamorphosis and historical transformation

The legendary Chenghua 'Chicken cups' are more than just artefacts; they are windows into a once tangible world. Only four remain, ensconced within the halls of museums like the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum. Each artefact, including these cups, carries with it whispers of a...

Roadtrains and dumbwaiters, through Western Australia

A dumbwaiter, traditionally a small freight elevator, also stretches a monumental 1,622KM from Perth to Port Headland in Western Australia. However, it doesn’t ferry food; instead, it carries the mining industry’s pulse, an industry that gives Western Australia its true character. Yet, few often see this character. Ask the Grey...

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